租赁平台>平地机租赁>济南出租平地机 济南租赁平地机电话
济南出租平地机  济南租赁平地机电话
  • 济南出租平地机  济南租赁平地机电话

济南出租平地机 济南租赁平地机电话

更新时间:2022-03-01共被查看 90 次
价格: 面议
  • 类别:租赁
  • 分类:平地机
  • 品牌:龙工
  • 地区:中国山东济南


原始的平地机可以追述到19世纪末的美国。自20世纪20年代起,在近80年的发展历程中,平地机经历了低速到高速、小型到大型、机械操纵到液压操纵、机械换挡到动力换挡、机械转向到液压助力转向再到全液压转向以及整体机架到铲接机架的发展过程。整机可靠性、耐久性、安全性和舒适性都有了很大的提高。随着技术的发展,机械制造和液压技术的发展与应用。已及它们组合式地在工程机械产品上的应用,以现代微电子技术为代表的高科技正越来越普遍地用来改造工程机械产品的传统结构。成熟技术的移植应用已大大促进了平地机综合技术水平的进一步提高。平地机已经发展成自行平地的水平。自动化已经成为平地机的发展趋势。因此平地机也得已广泛的使用。尤其要特别指出的是,卡特彼勒公司推出的M系列平地机,革命性地将机器的操控系统集成在一个类似于飞机操控杆的操作手柄上,让操作机手可以更智能的完成施工任务。结构特点编辑 播报 The original motor grader can be traced back to the United States at the end of the 19th century. Since the 1920s, in the development process of nearly 80 years, the grader has experienced the development process from low speed to high speed, small to large, mechanical control to hydraulic control, mechanical shift to power shift, mechanical steering to hydraulic power steering, then to full hydraulic steering, and from the overall frame to the shovel frame. The reliability, durability, safety and comfort of the whole machine have been greatly improved. With the development of technology, the development and application of mechanical manufacturing and hydraulic technology. With their combined application in construction machinery products, high technology represented by modern microelectronics technology is more and more widely used to transform the traditional structure of construction machinery products. The transplantation and application of mature technology has greatly promoted the further improvement of the comprehensive technical level of grader. Graders have developed to the level of self leveling. Automation has become the development trend of grader. Therefore, graders have also been widely used. In particular, the M-series grader launched by caterpillar revolutionarily integrates the control system of the machine into an operation handle similar to the aircraft control lever, so that the operator can complete the construction task more intelligently. Structural features editing and broadcasting


济南出租平地机  济南租赁平地机电话


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联系人: 卜令平 (男士)
邮 件: 1163394881@qq.com
开店时间: 2022-03-01
联系人方式: 查看联系方式


免责声明:以上所展示的信息由会员自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性 由发布会员负责。中国路面机械网对此不承担任何责任。

友情提醒:为规避购买风险,建议您在购买相关产品前务必确认供应商资质(营业执照等证件)及产品质量。我们原则上建议您选择经过中国路面机械网认证的 守信通 会员

